Silver spoons in the silverware silverplating...your favorite one with the heart on the handle and drilled through. These can be cut and manipulated just like any of our other spoons to make earrings, charms and pendants. Made in the USA from the old tourist dies, it's just so much fun to work with them. Sure, you can go to fleas and search around all day for the old spoons...but the plating is so often bad and the bigger pieces have to be cut with a jeweler's saw, drilled, and bent with at least a vise grips, if you don't have a jig to do it. The jigs COST! So try these, have fun, make money and make your customers smile. They are LOVELY, sold by the piece, 65mm up and down. Yes, in the silver they cost twice as much. That's still a bargain, darlin's....our silver finish is the BEST you can buy, it's fine silver 99.9% PURE SILVER over the brass, three mils thick. Only thing better is buy the real thing...and you KNOW what that costs. Two spoons can make two pair of earrings. CHECK THE VIDEO to see how!